Mar 2, 2012


Maybe I should stop having “alone time”.
I’m never supposed to be left alone. 
I’m not fully recovered yet, I was almost there until now. 
Now, I’m sitting in my room staring at a blank wall listening to songs that moan of depression, NOW, I’m over thinking the purpose of life. 

So, this is the time when I start to shut myself down, shut the outside world from me, shut the drapes to darken the room so I’ll feel a little better, shut down the virtual world and “disappear” for a while.
Put on a meaningless face and smile towards a happy crowd as they taunt me in my nightmares. 
Bring it on, I’m ready for heavy shit. I’m used to heavy shit. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong but here it comes; a massive current that’s about to drown me in my thoughts.
 Thoughts of life and love, thoughts of failure and pain, thoughts of why, thoughts of why not, thoughts of who are we, what are we doing here, what’s the point, and life is useless, and being left alone, and death. 
Well then, Night world, I’ll try and sleep it off.

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